He came close and ask '' Whats up?''
-The sky. The sky is up. No small talk please..
Tell me something nice. Something you know.
Something deep-or maybe not- but tell me something more.
I need you to tell me something more.
Honest. Truthful. Don't hide behind politeness.
I learnt that there is always a hidden message in ''No offence'', and part of truth ''I'm only joking'' and as you know I love writing, I respect the words that's why I learnt to read between the lines...
Always believe your thoughts (not all of them).
Those based on facts and instincts.
And keep an eye on apologetic people, is a sign of weakness and a dirty mind.
Take care of yourself. No one is going to protect you.
People are strange, competitive, egoists, egocentric, opportunists, two- faced, three-faced, manipulative, disturbed... Is just the evil human nature, Emanuel said correctly...
And it's really hard to find good heart people whose souls align with yours.
If you find one, keep him and work on the relationship, every single day.
Love is impossible with strangers. Fear prevails. Logic prevails. And that's good.
Every time you act illogical you lose -parts of yourself-.
Stick to your values and ethics. Try to be free but don't forget that ''everything is a box within a box'' -learnt that from my Jewish friend who also writes and he knows better as he is wise-
Hope is not for sale. Not everything is business. Everything is game theory. Be honest but not open. Have critical mind - question everything -even yourself. Believe your heart. Define your feelings. Be aware of what you feel and why. If it makes you feel alright keep it. If it doesn't burn it fast.
Don't pass me the ball I' ll kick it away. We, make circles only to dance.
Close all your thoughts in a '' Kind of fine'' and carry on...
I was sitting there quietly slightly nervous, in my clothes, listening to every one of them talking and nodding heads, with their bodies talking the unspoken truth.
Background song? ''Who are you to wave your finger''...''you musta been out your head''...
I left the room and went for a cigarette.
Background song? ''Who are you to wave your finger''...''you musta been out your head''...
I left the room and went for a cigarette.