Monday, 30 April 2018

I, Sofie Jeanne d'Art

I don't hide behind the ''she''
and I ''don't use a smiley face at the end of the sentence''
I wear black glasses for the sun
and I hate unbrellas
I love the rain soaking me skin
and the reflection of the moon
on the dark black sea at summertime
Dis_covered. I unveiled the truth twice.
-Dis in Greece it means twice-
I am the writer
I am the power
My pen bleeds tears and patterns on repeat
bringing me peace of mind
In love with the beat of the melody
that haunted us on day seven,
Connecting words
filling the gaps
with cold coffee and cigarettes ash
lost in translation et al. since the 22nd.

From time to time you will find
a new solution to revolution
but its always the same
a dead end no escape
You ll hear the echo of the voices
of those who point their finger at you
You will feel their nails cut you
Your wings will break no glue can fix them
Take them out with your bare hands
You ll feel the pain you''ll think you die
but that's the point you are alive
Strong feet on the ground
come then and tell me what you found.

I am afraid those who fly high
in a utopia they dive
Longing for something that won't happen
All in all all of a sudden
its a circle into a circle
in the darkest dawn's the purple.

I would like to thank Lyndsey Price and Ged Thompson for the inspiration
Life has really funny ways to connect us all together
I wrote that after a long time of ''nothing special to be published'' mood and we had recently a conversation with peers about depression and language and I was really fuming because some researchers put the artists under a microscope for using negative words instead of looking for the signs of depression in:
the way that people smile
 or hide behind the red dress and how to impress the press 
and so on and so forth 
I would like to thank you all
 who remind me that art is an expression from the heart!

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